Wednesday 15 April 2015


My friend who is the project manager of Middle East Film and Comic Con, who works within a creative agency, offered to take me to her workplace as I mentioned that I wanted to gain some work experience, or just have a feel of 'real world' work, whilst I'm here in Dubai (but I didn't have a lot of time left so I didn't do anything particularly significant). They were in the process of moving offices as well when I went so everyone was a little busy with their own things, but I got put together with some the interns and helped to sort out some MEFCC merchandise (200 goodie bags in total! phew!) for prize winners and volunteers that helped during the event (they even told me to take whatever I wanted, so I did. a lot of it. haha never say no to freebies).

(Photos on first slide is their current office, which is pretty small, but cosy on the 16th floor. The pictures on the rest of the slides is their new unbuilt office, on the 37th floor - with awesome views I must say!)

Whilst helping out, I got to know some of the people there and surprisingly, they were all really young (still in their twenties and a few in their thirties). But I was just surprised because the team only consisted of about 20ish (maybe) people, all still pretty young but they have done and achieved so much! I mean comic con was such a big thing, and to know that it was managed by this many people was just so inspirational!

I would have liked to have a proper work experience with them but because of the time I had left and because of how busy they were, post-comic con and moving offices, it wasn't really possible. Nonetheless I'm still grateful for the time I spent there as I got to meet new people, who were all really lovely by the way! Hopefully I can come back next time, and they would still be as lovely and welcoming!

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