Tuesday 5 January 2016

Roll Up Banners

This Spring break, I will be making my way to Dubai for MEFCC's 5th Year Anniversary! I will have a booth again to exhibit and sell my work like I did last April. I have decided to invest in a roll up banner this time, for a couple of reasons actually - firstly, so I won't have to put so many stuff up on the walls of my booth (because this was a pain to put up and take down last year). Secondly, I can reuse it again and again. Third, it's quite eye catching because its fairly big!

I don't really have time to create something specifically for this, so I decided to just use work that I've already produced - I thought about using my underwater illustration again, but its getting boring now! time to give the people something fresh to look at! I haven't decided which one of the 3 designs (above) I'd like printed out though - but I am leaning towards the purple one because its just so much simpler and clearer. Though it's probably more ideal to have the logo/website at the top. I asked other people and most said the purple one as well, so I will print this one! (But I might also print the others as business/postcards). 

I adjusted the chosen design a little bit (made the character a tiny bit smaller) - and also added my instagram on there! Then I decided to play around with it some more and came up with 2 others. I wanted to see what it would look like to have my contacts at the top because I do think that it would be easier to see - so I tried doing that but found that there was just too much empty spaces - I added another character to it, but felt that this made it too crowded. So I decided to stick with the one character but added my name at the top as well so that even if the website gets covered up for some reason (tables/stands or something), people will still be able to see my name - and they can google me or something to get my website and Instagram. 

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