Tuesday 6 October 2015


Every October, artists all over the world take on the InkTober drawing challenge by doing one ink drawing a day the entire month. Jake Parker created InkTober in 2009 as a challenge to improve his inking skills and develop positive drawing habits. It has since grown into a worldwide endeavor with thousands of artists taking on the challenge every year.

I decided to take part in this, this year because I actually don't draw unless I have a project to do - which is really not ideal for an illustrator, in my opinion. INKtober is about growing and improving and forming positive habits, so the more you’re consistent the better and I want to be better!

I've been drawing characters - children mostly (so far) because this is one of the things I want to get better at, and for someone who wants to place herself in the kids industry, I actually don't draw a lot of kids! I am also using my Instagram to post these to generate more audience views for my drawings; hopefully will generate a larger following for me as well hehe. I am actually really enjoying this, because I'm not thinking too much - just doing and its fun.

I'm thinking of changing my zine idea and just use these drawings for my zine for thought bubble now. I'll scan, clean, enhance, print and voila. yup.

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