Wednesday 16 September 2015

Pixar Studio in Bandung? YES PLEASE!

My family in Indonesia are all very supportive of my decisions and chosen career pathway; they know that it is my ultimate dream to be a part of the animated feature film production team. Whilst in Indonesia I was told that the Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil (who have done a very good job around the city since he became mayor), went to have a meeting with Pixar about a possible new Animation Studio for the creative economy in Bandung. After hearing about this, you cannot imagine how ecstatic I was! If in a couple of years this does happen, then I'll be waaaaay closer to realising my dream!

I'm a very family oriented person, family comes first to me and I love Indonesia to bits, and being able to do what I want to do in a country I absolutely adore, close to all my family, would just be so.. so. ugh, theres just no words to describe it! I mean I'd be ready, oh so ready to go work in America if I got given a job, but this is just much closer to the heart. I could die with a smile on my face knowing I've fulfilled my goals in life hahahaha. Not only am I excited for myself, but also for all those talented kids in Indonesia. So please please please, let this become real. Let's all pray. Keep the good work up, Mr. Mayor!

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